Wide Area Information Filter



TOS is a lightweight distributed computing middleware platform. It provides a secure message passing mechanism and a simple framework for implementing application specific message handlers (extensions). Downloads can be found on the TOS project page.


Waifarer is a tool that allows running applications to follow a user as he or she moves between computers. The prototype implementation can be downloaded from Waifarer's CVS repository on Sourcforge. Please consult the CVS tab on this page for more information. A file release will soon be made available.

WAIFService module

The WAIFService python module gives developers of WAIF Services all necessary primitives for communication, user handling and a robust basis for event handling. See the README for details. One example WAIF Service implementation is attached.

WAIF InfoHub

A simple GUI client to display the content of received events will shortly be available for download. It is based on PyQT, and designed to be part of a PONS.

PONS Configuration Server

To be able to set up a PONS, some configuration service is needed. You will shorly be able to download our configuration service, based on the same GUI used in the WAIF InfoHub.